
The Dog behind Smiling Dog Forge

Bella is a rescue dog, living in the Adirondacks. She enjoys long walks on the beach, rolling in dead things, and chasing cats. See more of her on her Instagram page.

Samantha Williams

A woman of many talents, Samantha started her metalworking career at a young age, making wire jewelry. During her time at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, she was introduced to blacksmithing and immediately was hooked. When not in the forge, you can find her rocking out to Queen, or diving deep into Medieval European History. She is also the Director of the Kent-Delord House Museum in Plattsburgh, NY.

Tom Larsen

At the tender age of 13, Tom was turned loose in the forge at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, and managed to neither burn the building down, nor do irreparable damage to himself. Having always been interested in arms and armor, he quickly focused on making blades and hasn’t looked back.